Other Blogs by Dawnita Hall Photography

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Friday's Featured Photographer: Iris Greenwell

Iris Greenwell is originally from Panama City, Panama. She was raised on a farm by parents who taught her to love and explore the world around her. Greenwell is a wonderful landscape and nature photographer who has come from a land that I consider ideal for photography. Yet, fate and circumstances would bring her to the very region I view as lacking most photogenic characteristics especially in the area of nature photography. She currently resides in Ardmore, Oklahoma, less than two hours from where I grew up. Greenwell, being the amazing woman and photographer that she is has created an impressive portfolio of work that shows the beauty that is there for all to see.

I have yet to show my family Greenwell's work for fear that they will use it in their attempts to talk me into moving closer to home. Her portfolio debunks my argument that the region is ugly
and lacking in photographic opportunities.

Greenwell currently teaches photography classes at Southern Oklahoma Technology Center in Ardmore, Oklahoma, and leads some workshops. In her teaching, she believes it is important to keep her focus on helping students create their own photographic vision while learning their camera. She also does some freelance work, including selling 'Translucid Dandelion' to ABC for use in their 2011 season of "Desperate Housewives".

Featured Photographer Facts
What/Who got Greenwell into photography?
A mixture of things. Parents that encouraged a love of nature. Mother who enjoyed photography, especially family pictures. Taking a few online classes and finding she enjoys landscape and nature photography.

How did Greenwell learn photography?
Self taught with a few online classes 6 years ago

Favorite photographic subjects?
Landscapes and nature

Where does Greenwell find inspiration?
Trees, waterfalls, and open views

Which artists and photographers have influenced Greenwell?
"Since I use filters to bring colors, I think I got my influence from photographers like (Elliot) Porter, (David) Muench and (Galen) Rowell." She is also inspired by the paintings of Albert Bierstadt.

Advice for other photographers?
"For new photographers, I like to encourage them to learn their camera setting and functions well. It is important to define your style of photography choosing a subject so you do not become confused. For example, if you like landscapes, become the best landscape photographer you can be."

Make sure you check out the breadth of Greenwell's work at the following websites:
Nature and Landscapes at
Child portrait work at
Iris Greenwell's Photography Blog at
As always, I encourage you to friend Greenwell on Facebook so you can see her frequent posts of her latest work. Plus, she is just an all around nice person to have as a friend.

*This picture of Greenwell is not mine, it is Greenwell's. Please respect her copyrights.*

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